"Exceptionally thorough, she moves from clinical to a working protocol extraordinary in its scope.DrTranquility is professionally superb, with relaxation & hope always in her voice" L.Y. DrTranquility-Lydia Belton,is a mental health expert with a background in Psychology, Relaxation Physiology for Mind-Body Medicine from Harvard University's Mind- Body Institute. Tthe Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine and Columbia University's Rosenthal Center in Botanical Medicine. She worked as an early response therapist for the International Red Cross during 911 in NYC, and is very active in working with out reach programs and organizations as she has done for many years, one of her favorites, the steering committee for the Children's Museum of Manhattan. Lydia has helped numerous people address P.T.S.D.(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder),Anxiety Disorder,Phantom Limb Syndrome and Personal Empowerment & Goal Attainment . Under Date Therapy & Dr.Tranquility, she has penned & been published in /on numerous outlets among them &, as well as featured numerous media outlets; Glamour UK (pictorial),REDBOOK & Cosmopolitan,Dr.Joe Vitale's podcast pages & newsletters as a featured expert,her radio programs, offered by numerous international platforms & her celebrity wellness,fashion,actor and athletic guru interviews' have been herd by 100's of thousands over the last decade. Dr.Tranquility-Lydia has also been a featred expert for Fox 5 Good Day NY(recurring appearances),Kiss FM (multiple markets). Listeners turned on their radios & adjusted their dials to hear DrTranquility Talks FM & her own platforms (live each week),and through her other platform B WELL TV(video), her production company, magazine and of course her popular wellness website.She has made expert appearances on The View, Fox 5(recurring) wb11,and many more. a substantial membership base with her affiliate lists acquired over a decade), she has worked with through promotion and in some cases has also interviewed countless healers in New York City, LA, London and from around the globe. Many of them are New York Times best-selling authors, including: Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr.Eric Pearl, actress turned guru Dee Wallace,Dr. Wayne Dyer Ph.D.;Dr. Laurie Nadel,Ph.D.; Dr. Fred Vagnini,M.D.; Dr. Joseph Mercola,M.D.,Dr. Hyla Caas M.D. and Eldon Taylor,Ph.D.,Jimmy Choo & FIFA Captain Christine Rampone, Relationship Rori Raye,actress turned guru Dee Wallace Launching Dr.Tranquility's Power Women Series Interviews with Mega powerhouses come see who's speaking! September11/14-late October as we have added 2 new mega women 6:30 PM EST live or On Demand DrTranquility.com
DrTranquility-Lydia has been an featured expert for or published expert: Most recently on &, KISS FM, Metromix for the Chicago Tribune, Glamour UK Magazine. "Exceptionally thorough, she moves from clinical to a working protocol extraordinary in its scope. DrTranquility is professionally superb, with relaxation & hope always in her voice" L.Y. Nick F. "THANK YOU. Your promoting Vacations 7 Resorts has given us the Trip Advisory Award of excellence." Michael B. Vice President at Genpact Headstrong Capital Markets "Dr. Tranquility-Lydia Belton PhD, Ct.H.A. is the REAL DEAL!!! She is a trained professional who has helped a huge number of people with uncompromising integrity and honesty. Moreover, she provides access to other leading wellness professionals through her multi-media interviews. She is a bright, shining star whose warmth and humanity are boundless. Get to know her." John A. Medical Mgmt & Product Development in Antiaging & Beauty Consultant Dr Tranquility-Lydia Belton's unique perspective in Mental Health creates a website that is fun, informative, and transformative. She is truly gifted with people as evidenced by her interviews. She has brought together famous and diverse personalities for interviews for her digital and radio subscribers. Always a power player, now a webmaster, publisher and writer, she merges her brand of therapy with other giants in the field. The result is a win. Whatever Lydia does, she does well. Media Relations, Wellness & Wellness Travel Dating & Relationships,Health & Wellness; Mind-Body medicine,Botanical Medicine.
A presentation based on Date Therapy protocol. Helping people find the true criteria for their ideal mate in partnerships of all kinds not only in love but in business as well. As a mental health expert I often hear stories of how a different therapist didn't work for them, they have issues with their doctor, they have issues with colleagues & employer's. See the name of the game is the same as it is in dating they are in all of our relationships. We must find or core criteria then figure out how to apply that to our paradigm, take on a second life choice in addition to what we are currently doing . Something that brings us bliss,that we just love doing and as a great perk makes us extra money. Finding a way to create our blis,s we see our life improving. Studies show increased productivity and while decreasing absenteeism using this model. Some insurance discounts for this type of presentation & implementation of this stratagie due largely to reduced absenteeism & stress reduction( I'll tell your more about that later ), and for the company the perk is increased productivity, ...Happy humans. Either way creating a more productive & prosperous life that benefits all evolved in the endeavor & attending this lecture.
A collaboration between myself and several other top wellness healer's,celebrities, guru's and more with whom I have had the pleasure of working with on brought right to your door for your next event on a variety of topics many of whom you will soon find here on speaker
From fortune 500 CEO's to a small buissness everyone wants positive media & promotion...Ok abracadabra you've got it. Now what? Your tell's body language,responses to difficult questions,flipping the "sabatoge"interview back into your favor. This is one of my most popular speeches having initially offered it at idate the dating industry's lead conference for companies such as Google, Intel & AT &T and myself of course. Given it's applicability for one as it is for one thousand attendees. I have the answers garned from more than a decade and a half of experience as interviewee for Fox 5 Good Day,, The View,i village, lead expert in a 3 page piece for Cosmopolitan magazine,the expert for a 3 page piece in Redbook,pictorial piece in Glamour UK, 2 International columns,published on & Yahoo just to name a few to having my own FM and BlogTalk Radio shows I have seen it all and I know how to get you through it SUCCESSFULLY! This speech is offered with or without team of media experts to field your questions at the Q & A, and enhance your skill set as hone the art of the successful interview. You will only have one chance to make a great impression (usually ha ha). So let's get started!
General and International
Dr.Tranquility Live Events Presents Power Women Live. Women who are top experts in their field coming together to train women & men in the positive persuits in Life,Love & business. Proving once & for all that a panel of all female experts can not only bring a crowd but wow them.
Donate to my CauseValue to Sponsor
Other Value:A comfort level and confidence that only comes from knowing your craft & the gift of honing it for more than a decade successfully in many markets and paradigms. Huge data base & several platforms for available for pre & post event promotion.
Sponsorship Opportunity
I was chatting with a friend who told me it can be harder to book women than men in the corporate arena & how frustrating this is for them. I decided this theory must be proven to be incorrect so I am launching a Special Series of Power Woman Interviews Series on Dr.Tranquility Talks live radio show & featured on This has been industry star studded & we have decided to take it to a live event in NYC Oct. 26, 2014. As Drtranquility is a free site for the most part with only a few exceptions we need sponsorship helping us to attain this goal we already have some great names lined up but need assistance to get a few more to fly in, accomodations, venue & various costs that will go with an event of this magnitude which given an award winning film screening on Ananda's 'Finding Happiness' Starrring Elizabeth Rohm (Law & Order A.D.A.) & all ready on board giving us additional attendance for the live event we want to produce puts to rest once and for all put this notion to rest. If you believe that women have every bit the ability, talent and ingenuity to hold our own then this is the platform to show it with your sponsorship Thank you in advance. Dr.Tranquility-Lydia let's make it happen together.
View Speaker Directory → Contact Dr.Tranquility-Lydia Belton PhD.,Ct.H.A.