Speaker, coach and radio host that "Kicks Your Assets into Shape"! A captivating Financial & Business speaker and strategist with over 15 years of experience in financial services. She's on a mission to improve the financial position of audiences across the country. Her transformational message reaches into your soul to pull out the best in you, inspiring action in your life to achieve maximum success. Kimberly is not your average financial speaker simply teaching a few money management principles. She'll help you discover your purpose, learn to produce assets and kick them into shape!
Personal Finance; Financial Strategy, Business Financials, Accounting, Taxes, Investments, Business Strategy, Relationship Sales, Women Empowerment, Life Purpose and Biblical Principals
Kick Your Assets into shape is call to people to “Get up off your assets; Stop allowing your assets to be lazy, get them into shape to go to work for you and deliver results. It’s a transformational message that focuses on the 3 key Assets: Personal, Business & Financial, we can each put to work. It’s about helping people recognize “you have the power to change your life”. If you want more out of life you have to position your assets to produce more.
Learn key business strategies you wish you were taught before starting your business, that will accelerate your business.
Empowering women to take action in their life to produce the results they desire, how to persevere in spite of obstacles and how to position themselves to produce wealth.
Women's Issues
Value to Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunity
I will be teaching a 1-hour breakout session at the KJLH 14th Annual Women's Health Forum on Saturday, April 5, 2014, in Los Angeles, CA. I will be speaking to women about empowering their lives through business and their finances. Thousands of women will be in attendance at this event. Since I will have a booth and radio ads will run over a two week period, this is a tremendous opportunity for the right sponsor to support thousands of women by sponsoring the speaker. Sponsor's name will be attached to our radio ads, breakout session and booth at the event. Please contact Kimberly directly at 323-384-7784 for more information.
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