Nothing is more invigorating than the moment you have tapped into your greatness and have found your calling! God has a calling for everyone, but most have misplaced there's buried deep within the dilemma's and demises of life's could of's, should of's, and would of's. There are but very few traumas that I haven't experienced through life's demises that most wouldn't have survived and I now share my lived experiences, strength and hope in educating young adolescents, young adults, and family members, cultivating relationships in the employment field, or mentoring individuals that need motivation in Organizational Skills and/or reinforcement in conflict resolution. And I do this in finding innovative solutions, instruction, which leads to a healthier way of living, such as I have. Hello sponsors, My name is Rita Badaloni Hodges, I am strong in servant leadership, assertive, an independent business woman, and I am an extraordinay Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Instructor to the many lived experienced topics I have mentioned. I am an advocate for recovery since 1985 with being clean and sober for years myself and my main goal is about helping others and saving lives by bringing about change through attitudes, behaviors and actions. I'm in training as a Peer Recovery Specialist and am rapping up my Associates Degree in Psychology. I am also in the middle of writing my own book on how I have learned to control my differences instead of them controlling me, being at the top down to homelessness, poverty, jail, and I love marriage so much I did it three times ehhe, though it doesn't come recommended! (my last husband of 16 years died from pain pills), the death of my parents, and the death of my last husband, alcoholism and drug addiction while raising two very intelligent, well accomplished young men, being a Mother was the finest title I carried in life. I am also the Featured Host of my own now Nonprofit radio talk show of The Serenity Show on Blog Talk Radio and the owner of the luxury cab service Serenity's Cab Service. Today I share how dreams can be made a reality no matter what circumstance stands in your way and that there isn't any excuse, reasoning or justification for not putting one foot in front of another in making dreams a reality. Its like a whole new re-socialization process to a new beginning that is life changing, and its exciting and once you start, you won't want to stop! I believe in positive energy and people want to be a part of this energy. If you have it, people will follow you, because positive attracts positive. I also believe its important to be with people that bring out the best in you and you participate in bringing out the best in others. Helping others is the key, but learning to receive is just as important. I am so passionate and believe in what I do and how my message helps others, you can just feel the energy change in the room and see the spirit light up in their hearts and souls through their eyes and its a miracle to watch the magic unfold! Having a sense of humor let's the soul and spirit sing, and I love to be the part of someone's laughter. I am ready to bring positive energy to your speaking engagement. I am highly motivated and readily available. Please feel free to contact me anytime at 931-378-0482 or email me at Rita Badaloni Hodges The Serenity Show
Motivation Leadership Success ~ Climbing to the Top! Small Business Marketing Plans Alcoholism Substance Abuse/Use ~ Chemical Dependency Mental Illness Military ~ PTSD Bullying Teen Pregnancy The Criminal Justice System Education ~ Middle Schools ~ High Schools ~ College Date Rape Teen Dating ~ Relationships ~ Marriage
Hunger and Poverty
Research and statistics show that at least 20% of our country lives below the poverty line, some states up to 30%. And in 2012 more than 49 million Americans lived in food insecure households, meaning they went to bed hungry. 33.1 million were adults and 15.9 million were children. This is one of the places we end up with homeless children under the age of 18 because their parents can no longer provide for them so they either kick them out or they run away instead of the parents finding other solutions. We as a society need to help make other solutions and avenues possible for these families in giving them hope in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Go to Feeding America and join the fight against hunger. September is Hunger Action month. Turn your photo profile orange on Facebook to support the cause.
Donate to my CauseValue to Sponsor
Other Value:I will advertise my sponsor on my radio talk show website, which reaches over 250 search engines and I will also advertise them live every Friday nite when I'm on the air live at 9pm CT at and my website can be reached by going to, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs, Posts, Pictures online newsletter the conference website the conference program kiosk listings throughout the conference the conference newsletter signage as you enter the room a mention in my speech social media my website mentions in your press release mentions in TV and radio interviews, etc.
Sponsorship Opportunity
Hello Sponsors, I am looking for a sponsor in getting me speaking engagements so I can motivate and energize an audience in speaking on success or tapping into your greatness after muttling through the dilemma's of life's trials and errors in order to get re-acquainted with childhood dreams and breathe life into them and make them a reality. And from this we find success by watching the magic unfold and the possibilities become endless!
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