Susan Rich: Business strategist and copy writer, author and public speaker. Susan is the get-you-noticed word-craft and marketing coach who helps you harness your personal brilliance so you grab attention, drive action, and get results. She helps authors and coaches launch their speaking careers and teaches business owners effective communication strategies. Susan also partners with consultants to add marketing savvy to their advanced business coaching sessions. Learn more:
*Write it! Say it! Sell it! Business and writing strategies for entrepreneurs and encore careerists.
*How to write for the internet (how to resonate with an invisible audience) - Writing strategies that get you noticed, plus makes it easier for you to write quickly, effectively, and with more power.
*Your presentation: How to build one that connects you with clients, not contacts.
*How to be an internet radio superstar
*9 reasons why I hate your website (and dozens of ways you can fix it)
How do you connect – then sell – to someone you’ve never met before? This practical, entertaining session teaches reluctant writers how to:
=Organize their thoughts and pick a key message
=Write headlines and read-me-now opening hooks
=Choose words that connect you with strangers
Your presentation proves you solve business or lifestyle challenges in a way that no one else can. For new and seasoned speakers alike, this session shows you how to:
=Choose that stand-out topic
=Build a memorable talk, avoid ‘death by PowerPoint
=Expand your audience base – discover how speaking penetrates new markets
=Sell from the stage – tips to come home with clients
Write it! Say it! Sell it!
If you write it, you will say it. If you say it, you will sell it.
The only business strategy workshop told from a writing perspective.
Your words are what turns contacts into clients and communication into cash.
Not website design. Not social media. Not your good karma or your devotion to pinning pretty pictures.
Write it! Say it! Sell it! is a workshop that teaches no-fail strategies for identifying the magic words that sets your cash register ringing.
=Create clarity in your message.
=Differentiate yourself in a crowded industry.
=Raise awareness about what you do, who you do it for, and why your magnificence is worth a call.
**This workshop can be anywhere from a half-day to a full two days.**
Value to Sponsor
Other Value:=Daily promotions available on Susan Rich Talks, my daily internet radio show (noon ET)
=YouTube video recording and promotion. Visit to see video blogs and radio show interview snippets
=Strong following on Facebook and Twitter. Regular broadcasts here.
=Expert in writing/marketing/communication strategies; in-kind support available
=Expert in living gluten-free lifestyle (product promotions, reviews)
=Expert in writing and editing business books
Sponsorship Opportunity
Looking for sponsors:Write it! Say it! Sell it!
Susan Rich, creator of the Write it Rich! series shares her tips, tricks and no-fail strategies for thinking...writing...delivering marketing copy that connects you with clients.
Perfect for business owners/encore careerists who want to write to sell and copy writers who want to build their toolbox.
++Share your list? Referral partnerships available. Earn money by allowing me to market this event to your list++
Event is set for Saturday-Sunday September 28-29 2013. Portland, Oregon
DoubleTree Inn, Lloyd Center. Plenty of room for tables, signage and guest/vendor interactions. I will work with you to deliver the most value for your participation. Please contact me to discuss.
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