Rico is an author, athlete, speaker, seminar leader with 31 years experience as a personal health and fitness trainer and nutritional consultant. He has trained some of San Diego’s
most prominent citizens. He is a Gold and Silver Medalist in the California State Senior Olympics with a fitness age of 22.
He is the creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle and the author of 15 health and wellness books including Ageless Living, Real Food Real Fast and The Fun Program.
“I am dedicated to creating and maintaining the highest level of personal energy, fitness and health and to empower others to do the same.”
Rico is a very inspiring and motivating speaker who offers information that can easily be implemented into busy schedules. He is available for speaking, interviews, consulting and creating individual and corporate training programs. He can be contacted at: 858-274-0118
Other books and programs by the author:
Real Food Real Fast Lifetime Eating Program
Real Clear Real Fast
Real Fit Real Fast
Real Nutrition Real Fast
Real Weight Loss Real Fast
Real Heart Health Real Fast
Real Happiness Real Success Real Fast
Real Health Real Fast Wellness Program
Real Energy Real Fast
You Can Make A Difference
A Question of Balance
1. Beyond Weight Loss
2. How to avoid disease & old age
3. Functional Fitness
4.Create maximum personal energy
5.Healthy fast food
6. Longevity
7. Healing with whole foods
Lack of energy and fatigue are two of the top keywords people search for on the internet.
This fast paced, very informative lecture is for those who want to learn simple, proven techniques and strategies for increasing personal energy. Participants will learn to do Rico’s very popular 4x4x4 Daily energy routine which only takes 4 minutes to perform. Participants will also learn the real reasons they lack energy and what they can easily do to correct the problems. This 20-45 minute presentation will be one of the most valuable, beneficial and fun times one can experience in a short lecture.
How to end the struggle with dieting & losing weight forever.
And what to do to master the shape & health of your body
How to avoid disease & old age and live a much healthier, energetic, long life.
How to look & fell 10-20 years younger in just 90 days
Health and Disease
The Ageless Living Lifestyle promotes personal responsibility for creating good health and preventing disease. This is needed if we are to survive the expensive sick care model we now have.
Also promoting planetary/environmental health through education and .
Value to Sponsor
Other Value:Litersture in handout bags
Wellness training for their employees
Good will Branding..promoting good health, reducing healthcare costs
Sponsorship Opportunity
Two free seminar+ two paid workshops + live multi speaker events
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