Speaker Sponsor will be highlighting professional speakers on the Speaker Spotlight. If you’re new to public speaking, you’ll get a glimpse into the life of a professional speaker and what it takes to make it in the industry. If you’re a seasoned speaker you still may learn a thing or two.

Our first speaker is Michael Solomon. Michael’s background reads like a political thriller. He was assigned as the intelligence officer to the U.S. State Department and while in the intelligence division, he was assigned to protect the Shah of Iran and Madame Chang of Tawain.

He was also an NYPD special investigator and survived a double murder attempt on his life.

When he entered the private sector he started working for various charities and was cited by both houses of the NY State Legislature in Senate and Assembly Resolutions as Humanitarian of the Year. He continues his philanthropic work and even speaks on the topic of the importance of giving back.

He’s also the author of two bestselling books, “Success by Default – The Depersonalization of Corporate America”, and “Where Did My America Go?”.

Why did you decide to become a speaker?

After my book was listed as number 22 on the Amazon Bestseller list. I realized I had a message to convey. My motivational business message has helped many new and existing entrepreneurs learn how to take their businesses beyond the next level.

Do you remember your first speaking engagement? How have you changed as a speaker since then?

My first public talk was in 1997 to a group of college freshmen about how to succeed in school and beyond. My passion for my subject had shown through and since then I have spoken to over 500 audiences, some as large as 20,000. My talks get better each time as my passion for my subject intensifies. I use a lot of humorous anecdotes, which keeps my audiences engaged, laughing and begging for more.

Do you consider speaking your primary job?

Yes, I do. It’s my passion and my profession.

What is your idea of a great speaking engagement?

Looking out into my audience, seeing everyone awake and on the edge of their seats. The Q & A and comments afterwards, which for the most part, are positive, are inspiring to me. I get as much from my audiences as they get from me.

Since this site is about speaker sponsorship, which kind of companies would be a perfect sponsor for you?

Anyone who has a product or service to sell and wants to promote their message.

Where do you expect your speaking career to be 5 years from now?

Hopefully beyond the next level. I would like to become a household name.

What’s the best advice you would give to someone who is just entering the speaking business?

Be yourself. Don’t try to become someone different than you are. Your audience will see right through you. don’t be afraid to put your heart on your sleeve. If you have a message to impart, go for it. Just tell it like it is.




Speaker Sponsor Launch Speaker Sponsor was started to insure that all professional speakers get paid for their time. You wouldn’t expect a doctor to perform surgery for free or for a landscaper to mow your lawn for free, so why are speakers expected to speak for free? The launch of a start-up is an exciting…

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